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Dear GRASPA-SIS members,

we have the pleasure to draw your attention on the forthcoming initiatives of the group:

  1. The GRASPA 2019 conference was held in Pescara (IT), hosted by the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, and took place over two days, 15-16 July 2019. It was not only the biennial conference of the GRASPA-SIS group, but also the European “regional meeting” of the International Environmetrics Society (environmental section of the International Statistical Institute). The conference brought together around 90 Italian and international leading researchers, who contributed to keynote, invited and contributed sessions. Particular interest was raised by the three keynote speakers: 1) Marc Genton (KAUST University, South Arabia), 2) Alexandra M. Schmidt (McGill University, Canada) e 3) John T. Kent (University of Leeds, UK). Extensive attention was dedicated to the ten invited session, which discussed the main topics that characterize the scientific debate in the field of environmental Statistics. Of particular interest, the studies concerning: a) air and soil pollution and their interactions with human health, b) climate change, c) ecology. Around 50 contributed papers and posters were presented, and awards were given to the three best posters according to the votes of members of the jury appointed by the scientific committee. The detailed GRASPA 2019 conference programme and the summaries of all communications can be found in the GRASPA 2019 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts” available at: A selection of peer-reviewed short papers will be presented in GRASPA 2019 “Proceedings”, edited by M. Cameletti, L. Ippoliti and A. Pollice, and it will be published online in the “GRASPA Working Papers” (ISSN 2037-7738) series and it will be made available at
  2. GRASPA elections: the President, Vice-President, Secretary and two Members of the Scientific Board of the GRASPA-SIS group have to be renewed. The Nominating Committee, formed by Michela Cameletti, Daniela Cocchi and Lara Fontanella, proposes the following election timeline: 
    • collection of nominations: November 30th, 2019
    • announcement of the nominations: December 2st, 2019
    • opening of the remote e-voting: December 4th, 2019
    • closing of the remote e-voting: December 12th, 2019
    • announcement of the elected Scientific Board components: December 13st, 2019 The proposal for the nomination must be conveyed to the Nominating Committee via e-mail addressed to: – subject: GRASPA nomination. All current GRASPA members are allowed to vote.
  3. SIS 2020 – 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society is happening in Pisa (IT), 22-24 June 2020. Quite a few GRASPA-SIS members are in the Scientific Committee and our group is very well represented in the provisional program that includes at plenary, specialized and solicited sessions on environmental-like topics. The call for abstracts will hopefully be opened soon at the conference web site:
  4. The TIES 2020 conference will be held in London at the Imperial College on September 14-16, 2020 (
    The TIES 2020 Scientific Committee invites you to send proposals for invited sessions. Each session has 4 speakers with possibly one Ph.D. student. Attached you’ll find the form to filled to submit proposals. The deadline to finalize session proposals is the 30th of November, then we’d really appreciate receiving your proposals by November 20.
  5. The GRASPA 2021 conference will be held in Rome on June 2021, 7-9, hosted by La Sapienza University. Save the date!