Categories of categories
A certain amount of category theory is developed in an arbitrary finitely complete category with a factorization system on it, playing the role of the
A certain amount of category theory is developed in an arbitrary finitely complete category with a factorization system on it, playing the role of the
A function $ ho:[0,infty) o(0,1]$ is a completely monotonic function if and only if $ ho(Vertmathbf{x}Vert^2)$ is positive definite on $mathbb{R}^d$ for all $d$ and
Let $mathbf {X}={X_t, t=1,2,… }$ be a stationary Gaussian random process, with mean $EX_t=mu$ and covariance function $gamma( au)=E(X_t-mu)(X_{t+ au}-mu)$. Let $f(lambda)$ be the corresponding