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Dear GRASPA-SIS members,

we have the pleasure to draw your attention on the forthcoming initiatives of the group:

–   The new special issue of the Statistical Methods & Applications journal on Advanced methods for space–time environmental data originates from the METMA–GRASPA joint meeting held in Turin, 10–12 September 2014. It is a mix of applied and theoretical papers, covering important environmental problems and interesting statistical issues. See for the complete list of papers.

–   There will be a GRASPA-SIS session at the 48th Days of Statistics (JDS2016, Société Française de Statistique), Université de Montpellier from May 30 to June 3, 2016 (see, with the participation of A. Fassò, R. Ignaccolo, G. Jona Lasinio and A. Pollice.

–   The 48th meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS2016) will be held at Università degli Studi di Salerno from 8 to 10 June, 2016 (see The conference will see a large participation of the GRASPA-SIS group in invited, specialized and contributed sessions including:

o   a GRASPA-SIS specialized session on Statistical models for circular and directional data

(organizer G. Jona Lasinio, chair A. Maruotti)

o   a specialized session on Statistical methods for the analysis of gene-environment interactions in the study of complex pathologies

(organizer G. Lovison, chair C. Di Serio)

o   a solicited session on Statisticians meet naturalists: issues on ecological and environmental statistics

(organizer M. Marcheselli, chair L. Fattorini)

o   a solicited session on Functional data

(organizer T. Di Battista, chair E. Romano)

–   As satellite event of the SIS2016 conference, GRASPA-SIS will organize a one-day tutorial on Linear-Circular environmental data modeling, with A. Maruotti and F. Lagona as lecturers and M. Picone and G. Mastrantonio as tutors. The tutorial will be held on June, 7 2016 (from 9 am to 6.30 pm) at Università degli Studi di Salerno. Fees amount to 50€ for junior students, 100€ for SIS members and 150€ for non-SIS members. More information will soon be available on the conference web site.

–   The 26th Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES2016) will be held in Edinburgh (Scotland) from 18 to 22 July, 2016 (see There will be four GRASPA-SIS invited sessions:

o   Biodiversity measures and modelling

(organizers: G. Jona Lasinio, A. Pollice)

o   Circular data in environmental studies

(organizer: G. Jona Lasinio)

o   Environmental Official Statistics

(organizers: A. Fassò, A. Ferruzza)

o   Environment and health

(organizers: A. Fassò, M. Cameletti).

–   The GRASPA-SIS course Advanced Statistical Methods in Environmental Applications will be held in Palermo from 20 to 22 July, 2016. The course will be concerned with the most advanced techniques and methods for the study of environmental phenomena in a broad spectrum. See this flyer for more information.

With our best regards,

the GRASPA-SIS board